Multi-Family Energy Audits

ECAD For Multifamily Properties

Information for Property Owners and Managers

The Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance requires that Austin multifamily properties that receive electricity from Austin Energy have a specialized energy audit of the residential units. Multifamily property owners and managers are responsible for complying with ECAD.

You must have a qualified ECAD Energy Professional conduct the energy audit in the calendar year the property turns 10 years old. The energy audit is valid for 10 years. You must provide the energy audit results to current and prospective residents.

You must conduct an energy audit if your property in the Austin Energy service area and within Austin city limits.


See if Your Property Qualifies as Multifamily under ECAD

ECAD defines multifamily properties as any property with five or more residential units. If your apartment community has five or more dwellings, you are required to provide ECAD results to tenants and prospective tenants.

Audit Results

After the audit, the multifamily property owner receives the audit report. A copy must be posted at the property and provided to prospective tenants and buyers. The auditor must send the audit to Austin Energy within 30 days of audit completion.

Audits Reveal Improvement Opportunities

Property owners can use ECAD audit results to improve energy efficiency, which helps protect the environment, reduces resident turnover, and increases property marketability.

Since energy efficiency makes buildings more distinct and attractive in the competitive multifamily market, ECAD also serves as an effective tool for owners looking to advertise existing energy efficiency measures.

Multifamily ECAD energy audits cover:

• Air conditioning and heating system efficiency
• Air filtration, duct performance, air sealing in plumbing areas, and weatherstripping
• Windows
• Attic insulation
View sample Energy Audit Results (pdf)

Provide Energy Audit Results to Your Residents

Energy audit results should be posted at your property for all current and prospective residents to review.

For current residents, you must provide a copy of energy audit results upon request and automatically upon lease renewal.

You must disclose energy audit results for prospective residents by making the results available when they apply for a lease. Prospective residents must be able to review the results before you accept any application fees. Property owners who implement energy efficiency measures can use the ECAD audit results as a selling point to prospective residents.

The Austin Energy Guide

An Austin Energy Guide for your property must be included with the audit results. It provides your residents with an estimated average monthly energy cost. You and your residents can use the Austin Energy Guide to compare similar properties.

Download a sample Austin Energy Guide and a detailed explanation (pdf)

See how to read and interpret the Austin Energy Guide for Prospective Tenants (pdf)

Energy Professionals Conduct Audits

A qualified ECAD Energy Professional must conduct your ECAD audit. ECAD audits are comprehensive and require specialized equipment. The Energy Professional provides you with a copy of the energy audit to Austin Energy as well as Audit Results to provide to residents.
ECAD energy professionals set their own prices. We recommend that you get at least three estimates and check references.

Eco energy saving light bulbs on grass background

You May Be Exempt from ECAD

You may qualify for an Energy Audit Exemption Certificate if your property has received an Austin Energy rebate for the following improvements within the past 10 years:
Comprehensive duct remediation work
Replace air conditioning equipment for all units

Please contact us at 512-565-2700 or email for pricing and scheduling.